I live in northeast Arkansas in USDA zone 7. I've been gardening for about 12 years now. I just started the raised bed concept. I enjoy watching things grow. I think this blog will be a good record keeping tool. I also enjoy reading and seeing how other people create their gardens.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March Garden Pictures

 This is a picture of the vegetable garden

 This picture shows the very small carrots just starting to sprout on the far side and the green onions on the lower portion of the picture.  The warm weather has really helped everything out.
 This bed also has small carrots on top and leafy lettuce on the bottom.  I will be thinning the lettuce out sometime in the near future.  I think this fall I'll try starting my lettuce in my parks biodome instead of sowing the seed directly in the bed. 
This picture is just another angel of the garden.  I've been putting manure and better soil in some of the beds.  You can also see part of my irrigation sticking up at the ends of each bed.  Those are the valves to turn the water on/off to each bed, where can water each bed individually. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sorry for no pictures yet. I've been a little busy at work. I did get some sweet corn planted today. It's still a little early, but I didn't plant a lot. Just wanted to see how well it'll do ;). I promise to post some new pictures by the end of the week and tell what all has went on in the garden!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rainy Dayz....

Well, no progress in the garden so far this week.  We recieved 1.5 inches of rain yesterday.  We've had some pretty wet weather lately, but I guess its that time of year!  This weekends weather looks great!  Suppose to be in the upper 50s and lower 60s...and....no rain til Monday.  I'm looking forward to finishing the pvc for the hoops and all the irrigation.  I need to haul some soil in the new bed.  I'll be planting corn in a week or two! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

The weekend...

We didn't get to finish the irrigation or the hoop houses this weekend.  The weather was rainy and cold.  I didn't really want to get outdoors. : )  Although, I did finish threading the wire through the trellis and did some digging for the irrigation this afternoon.  On another note, the lettuce has came up nicely and so has all the green onions that I planted a couple weeks ago.  This is the first year I have tried to grow carrots.  They still haven't sprouted yet.....It's been two weeks and we've had plenty of rain and a few 70 degree days, but NO carrots.  Maybe I'll see some sprouts this week...I'll post some pictures of the garden this week.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little garden work...

Here's a few pictures of me and the wife working in the garden.  It was a wonderful day to be out doors...the temp got up to 62 degrees and partly cloudy.  We installed some 3/4 in pvc for our hoop houses and trellises.  Didn't finish today, but hopefully by this weekend we'll have everything installed (even some of the future drip irrigation)!
She didn't know I was taking her picture...If you look close, she is petting our cat with a piece of pvc! lol
My trellis, made of 1/2 in pvc.  I'm going to drill holes and thread wire/string in between the pvc pipes.  This trellis is going to be for our cucumbers.  When I rotate crops next year, the trellis can be moved to any of the other beds. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

2010 Garden Totals

Bad year for tomatoes and peppers.  I usually do really good in this area but I didn't have much time to baby them and the weather was just too hot!  I hope to improve this year over last years totals....

2011 Garden

This is a picture of the garden as of today.  Last weekend I added a seventh bed (5ft x 20ft) on the south side.  I plan on planting some sweet corn in this bed in a few weeks.  I also planted some carrots, lettuce, and green onions in two of the beds this past weekend.  Onions have started to emerge through the ground, but the carrots and lettuce show no signs of sprouting or emergence.  I sprayed round-up in the new bed....I was going to give it 7-10 days before I started to put some soil in it.  I have a pile of compost/manure in the southwest corner in the yard as you can see in the photo.  This is what I'll be putting in the bed.  I also got a hold of some chicken manure this winter...I'm going to try and put some across all the beds before planting.